Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
  • Jonnesway ~ Defeating Depression Flash Mob

  • Since there are a lot of people are suffering from the modern mental illness, JONNESWAY family were attended a flash mob of defeating depression and want share this meaningful activity with all our friends.


    Defeating Depression Flash Mob, Tomorrow Will Be Better


    May your tears flee with yesterday
    Blow away with the wind
    Come out from your corner
    No doubt in join us
    You can decide the future
    -- Lyrics from song "Tomorrow will be better"


    In nowadays world, there are more and more people were suffering from the modern mental illness, depression is one of the most unwelcome unhealthy mental situations caused by stress, gloomy mind comes from works, school, relationship status or any other kind of situation in life. In case to face the depression in positive way and awaken the public's awareness, 29th of May in Taipei train station, there were a chorus compose by people who've been suffered by depression disorder express themselves and defeating depression by singing a famous song "tomorrow will be better". this flash mob were held by CAN LOVE Social Service Association which hope this event can help those whom still suffering from the depression, try to walk with them away from the torment of thorns hidden deep inside in their heart, and the goal of this flash mob is to acknowledge people how to deal with depression, and how to help those who have troubles with depression by release stress in proper way to have a better health life, to know every single tomorrow will better.


    CAN LOVE Social Service Association is a non profit organization in Taiwan, held by people who use to had depression. The main purpose of CAN LOVE is to help people who have troubles with depression via having workshop, seminar and grouping a chorus, the chorus members were all use to suffered from depression. In this flash mobs event, we can see the chorus from CAN LOVE sing their passion out loudly and peacefully, and the sincerity they want to help the other people has the same troubles with depression.


    JONNEYWAY family was luckily to be a part of this event as a volunteer. The president of JONNESWAY group Mr. Joseph Liao and JW family member help to distribute the flyers and leaflet to let more people to know about how to prevent depression. Mr. Joseph Liao also takes a TV station's exclusive interview to voice how important to deal with depression in this event. Mr. Liao also said, depression needs to be taken seriously in nowadays world. By this event, we should aware the public how to prevent the metal illness such as depression, to know it, to face it, to deal with it, find the right way to release variety depress from life, and follow the doctor's instruction, defeating the depression step by step, eventually, all suffering will disappear, all tears will flee away, just like the chorus from CAN LOVE, by sharing the beautiful music and passion, they just have health life and better tomorrow.